UNISON & The Welsh Labour Movement or Unsain a’r Mudiad Llafur Cymreig in it’s local language, is a bilingual physical and digital exhibition that tells the story of the trade union and its involvement in the Labour movement. 

UNISON required a platform to tell their history that would transform their drab and dreary office into an inspiring exhibition space.

A bilingual identity, English and Welsh, was designed around the idea of telling stories, recalling events, laying foundations and making a powerful impact. A timeline graphic was used to transport the audience on a journey through the history of UNISON, learning about key individual events sorted in chronological order.

As well as a physical exhibition, a 3D model and website of the space was created with tags and narrations to create a comprehensive online exhibit that the audience can enjoy at their own pleasure.

Client: UNISON Cymru
Agency: Hannah Warrick
Role: Complete concept, design, production and client liaison
The launch of the exhibition brought together a collection of like-minded people; from UNISON staff members and Mark Drakeford First Minister of Wales to Thora Silverthorne’s daughter and Aneurin Bevan’s great grand-niece. You can watch videos of the launch here.
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